Get A Glimpse Of Framing A Mirror
There are certain varieties of mirrors that might look really beautiful but not of the exact size that you would want to purchase. When ordering for a mirror, you need to make sure that it is of the exact size of your requirement or would you like them to be customized, and mirrorlot.com is more specific about delivering the exact size and frame of the mirror that you would wish for. There are various beautiful frames from which you can make your selection and they will be customized according to the size of the mirror that will best serve your need. To know more about framing a mirror and how exactly you can get the required size delivered, take a look at the following link for a better understanding, http://mirrorlot.com/wholesale-mirrors, and also, you can watch the video of how the experts design your mirror with much modern equipments for a finer finish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_6GQee88PU
Mirrorlot ensures that every mirror that you order is finely customized and built according to your satisfaction without compromising the quality and durability of the product ordered.
Initially the mirror size that you’ve specified is measured and the frame selected is cut according to the size of the mirror. Later the frames are assembled on a flat surface according to the desired shape and coated with construction adhesive or wood glue, which is coated with painters tape temporarily for the adhesive to dry completely.
By making use of a backboard and the lattice piece that is just a two inches longer than the size of the mirror you can attach the mirror to the backboard, the molding is then secured until it dries completely and screwed on the corners. Once the mirror is framed, they are shipped in a custom designed box to your delivery address where they will be safely transferred without any damage or alteration in size and shape.
Later you can safely cut open the package according to the instruction provided on the box, which will ensure you a beautiful and safely delivered mirror.
This is a large black frame floor mirror that you can get specially ordered and designed according to the size of your requirement. These kind of large beautiful mirrors can be used both at homes and in business places.
This is a unique beautiful framed mirror that was shown in the sample video, where you can get them customized according to the size that you require. This is a lovely floor length mirror that will beautifully adorn your house.
For tips to decorate your home with large mirrors, visit http://oldhomemakeover.com/decorating-with-mirrors-to-create-the-feeling-of-a-bigger-area/