Lovely Mirrors in the Bedroom: 5 Inspirations
A mirror in the bedroom brings elegance and romance. It is an inexpensive accessory that you can get from a home decor store. You can also ask your local mirror company to provide you with a custom-made mirror. When incorporating…
Mirrors in the Bathroom: 7 Inspirations
A mirror is essential in a bathroom. We use a mirror to see ourselves while we do our grooming rituals and as we prepare ourselves for work or school. A bathroom without a mirror feels incomplete. When choosing a bathroom…
Big Mirrors in the Living Room: 5 Inspirations
A mirror is a great element to incorporate in a living room’s design. It is a decorative and functional accessory that can help maximize the style of a room. A mirror can come with a frame which you can have…
Great Tips in Decorating Your Home With Mirrors
A beautiful mirror is a staple in decorating a home. It is relatively cheap compared to other design elements and it is decorative and also functional. You can get your mirror at a home decor store or you can have…
Decorate Dining Rooms with Large Mirrors
In feng shui, a mirror in the dining room attracts wealth energy. The dining area reflects the family’s wealth and placing a mirror in this space magnifies this energy. The best position of a large mirror is on a wall…
Beautiful Ways to Add Mirrors in the Kitchen
Mirrors are usually placed in a house’s entryway, living room, bathroom, and closet. Another space where you can incorporate mirrors is the kitchen. Yes, the kitchen. A mirror that is well-placed can be a design element itself and functional Here…
Accent Your Home with Custom Sized Mirrors
Not all houses are created with the same dimensions. Some may have big spaces, some have small ones. Each house is different depending on the home owners’ needs and personalities. Decorating a house varies according to the status of the…
10 Stylish Ideas Using Bathroom Mirrors
A mirror is an important part of a bathroom. It comes in different sizes, shapes, frames, and functionalities. A bathroom is incomplete without a well-placed mirror hanging on the wall or placed on a dresser. Use a big mirror to…
Beautiful Ideas in Decorating Using Big Mirrors
Mirrors are a great way of sprucing up a space. Whether it’s a home, a salon, hotel, museum, or any other enclosed building, a big mirror can add to its aesthetic. Here are some great ideas as to where you…

Tips To Decorate Homes With Beveled Mirror
One of the major advantages of making use of mirrors to adorn the house is that they make the room look larger and much spacious, and beveled mirror is something that definitely serves such a purpose. Beveled mirrors are very…